Wednesday 6 October 2010

Task 1: Website Analysis

This famous website is great for searching anything  you want. I personally think the reason the majority of people prefer to use this one rather than many others is because its so easy to remember and it does it's job in a user friendly format. There are no pop ups on the home screen or advertisements or blogs. In fact there's not a lot on the home screen and thats the key behind simplicity. I do believe that Google is a little bit too plain sometimes however i couldn't help but notice the font is in 'times new roman' and it suits the style very well.
I think this website has been well designed as the quality of the background behind the images is great. there is not a lot going on in the website which is good because that way all focus is on banksy's art work. This website uses a horizontal scroll bar rather than a vertical one. This could be because images blend and visually work better together this way or the images may not have fitted properly on the page. Either way I feel the horizontal look was the way forward for this website.

I like this website because within the website it explains the word zen with the natural tones and calm colours. the font is in a faded black/ grey which to me looks relaxing and easy on the eye. Although the meaning of the website layout is to seem calm and tranquil i cant help but feel this lacks enthusiasm slightly as there is not a lot going on in the website as a whole. However i do like this website as its easy on the eye and relaxing.
This website is plain, simple and effective. It uses very little to achieve a lot. Most of the time the colour of coffee is disgusting and looks dirty however this website shows the colour of coffee in a different way. It uses a warm shade of brown that closely relates to there famous maroon colour logo and this theme continues through out the entire website.
Facebook is a famous website that is user friendly and easy to use. Its like the other websites i have mentioned simple to look at. Although the underlay of the website is very complicated it still seems relaxing. Wheres as Myspace takes longer to get the hang of. The logo of Facebook is simple yet effective. its also easy on the eye.